Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm just back from today's run. I ran down to the Capitol and stopped for a little bit to admire the national Christmas tree. It's an enormous balsam fir from Vermont, decorated with ornaments that Vermonter children made. It's nice--but not as wonderful as the tree we have at home. I'll post a picture of our tree just because I love it so much. This is the first time I've had a real, grown-up tree of my own.

It was funny to be at the Capitol all sweaty and dirty this morning, because I have to be there again tomorrow morning in a spiffy suit, to talk to Representatives about Audubon's work.

The best part of today's run was my brand new iPod Shuffle, sent by my parents to help me get through long runs. Thank you!! It is so much fun. I put two mix CDs on it, one made by my housemate Colin and one by my dear friend Laura in New Paltz. It's uplifting to think of your friends when your feet are feeling tired. I also downloaded some podcasts, including one called "Learn Spanish on Coffee Break" that is from Scotland. I learned how to say "There's no haggis here" in Spanish. Ah, there are so many added benefits to training for a long run. Can't wait to see what I'll learn next.

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