Saturday, December 15, 2007

back from my run!

Wow! That was fabulous. First of all--I'm not an absolutely horrible, awful runner, it turns out! I can do it!! Secondly, I highly recommend early morning runs. It's a real high to be out there as the sun comes up, and feels great to start your day with such a sense of commitment and challenge. (Here I am, just back from the run.)

Running on the national mall is especially lovely, and I'm grateful to live (and run!) in this city. I ran all the way down the mall from the Capitol, past the Washington Monument, to the WWII memorial. And I was suddenly taken aback by a sense of the presence of my grandfathers, who both fought in WWII. I ran through the memorial (I included a picture of it here--it's a big circle and you can run through its arches) and thought of my Grandpa Warner, who is my main reason for running this race. I'm surprised by how much I do think about my grandpa as I am running. It's yet another gift that this experience is giving me.

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